


参考文献 | Identifying Users and Activities with Cognitive Signal Processing from a Wearable Headband

Identifying Users and Activities with Cognitive Signal Processing from a Wearable Headband


1.Predicting a person
2.Predicting an activity
3.Predicting a person as well as the activity

Contributions: propose a method of data representation-histograms representation

This paper shows that histograms of brain signals can be a very useful representation for data mining
activities. One of the primary advantages of the histograms is that they reduce the variable length
of signals to fixed length representations

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combining activities predicting/emotion recognition to a system.

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Wiechert, Glavin & Triff, Matt & Liu, Zhixing & Yin, Zhicheng & Zhao, Shuai & Zhong, Ziyun & Zhaou, Runxing & Lingras, Pawan. (2016). Identifying users and activities with cognitive signal processing from a wearable headband. 129-136. 10.1109/ICCI-CC.2016.7862025.