Framework of Paper
How to write a paper?
In fact,we need to write as follows:
Problem X is important
Previous works A, B, and C have been done
A, B, and C have their weakness
Your work D
Theoretical analysis
Experimental comparison against A, B, and C
Why D is better
Strength and weakness of D
Future work on D
So there is a framework of paper as folllows!
In fact,we need to write as follows:
Problem X is important
Previous works A, B, and C have been done
A, B, and C have their weakness
Your work D
Theoretical analysis
Experimental comparison against A, B, and C
Why D is better
Strength and weakness of D
Future work on D
So there is a framework of paper as folllows!
Abstract---Summarize your contributions
What is the problemWhat is your work
Features of your work
Advantages of your work
Introduction---Background and organization of the paper
Problem X is importantA, B, and C have been done
A, B, and C have their weakness
Our work D
Features and advantages of D
Organization of the paper
Previous work---Why your work,the differences
Categorization of previous worksOne or two sentences for a work(Strength,Weakness)
Your contribution---Introduce your work
Theoretical analysis---Theoretical support to your work
Experiments---Experimental to your work
Experimental designComparison
Discussion---The relationship between your work and some very related works
Work A:Why it is very related
Difference to your work
Work B:
Why it is very related
Difference to your work
Conclusion---summary and future work
SummaryFuture work